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Mission & Values

Approximately 70% of Americans identify themselves as Christians. But research shows that only 7-20% are measurably active in their Christian faith. We have abandoned Christianity as our stabilizing center. Christian values are no longer a driving influence in shaping our culture. 

Combined with the idea that truth is based on personal belief and feelings rather than objective facts, these realities challenge prior paradigms of sharing and living out our faith.

Our Mission

Our mission is to encourage Christian truth-based thinking and demonstrate that Christianity has done more social good for humanity than any other movement in history.

Our upcoming #JesusSkeptic project for Millennials and Gen Z anchors young adults in their faith and equips them to share it in a fresh way that’s relevant to their hearts— by focusing on how Christian beliefs have advanced humanity throughout history. Learn more by clicking here.

Our Values

In our post-Christian, post-truth culture, we choose to reflect these core values in who we are and all we do as an organization, community, and faith family, so that together we may be an army of light, having “put on the armor of light.” (Romans 13:12)

Click here to watch 30-50 minute teachings on each of these values by our founder, John S. Dickerson.

1. We will remain rooted in the Scripture.

In a world where truth

is feelings-based, we will remain

rooted to the Christian Scriptures

and their life-giving direction.

We will remain rooted

in the Scripture

2. We will train our young.

In a society of educated ignorance and blindness, we will train our young in the freedom, knowledge, and power of Christian truth.

 We will train

our young

3. We will be known for doing good.

In a world where Christians are labeled as bigots or backward, we will be known for doing good, serving the least of these and loving our neighbors.

We will be known for doing good.

4. We will dignify all people as image bearers of God.

In a world where people are treated as commodities or as opponents, we will dignify all people as image bearers of God.

We will dignify all people as image bearers of God.

5. We will be ambassadors.

In a post-Christian world, we will be ambassadors to foreign tribes, behaving diplomatically toward neighbors who have been told the worst about Christianity.

We will be


6. We will love our persecutors.

In a world where opponents are vilified and crucified, we will love our persecutors.

We will love

our persecutors.

7. We will remain calm.

In a world competing for limited resources, driven by fear, unrest, and scarcity,we will remain calm, confident that our Father provides our daily bread.

We will

remain calm.

In a world where we are discriminated against, prejudged, and even persecuted, we will be invincible as we serve God’s purposes for which we are placed here, now.

8. We will be invincible.

We will

be invincible.

9. We will be fearless.

In a world divided by violence, terrorism, and war, we will be fearless.

We will

be fearless.

Our Team

Our Board

John S. Dickerson

Founder and Visionary

A Millennial with Biblical convictions and cultural awareness, John is an award-winning journalist, a recognized voice in American Christianity, and a bestselling author

of several books.

He has been featured on national TV, and his writing has appeared in The New York Times and USA Today, among others. In 2009 Tom Brokaw, Charles Gibson (ABC News) and Anna Quindlen (Newsweek) named his investigative reporting the best in the nation (Livingston Award for Young Journalists). John currently serves as Lead Pastor at Connection Pointe Christian Church in the Indianapolis metro area.

John S. Dickerson, Director

Founder & visionary

David Richards


Dave is the President of Elite Performance Associates and Coach at Driven Coaching. He has experience as a church elder and is currently the co-chair of an elder board. Additionally, Dave has more than 20 years of leadership experience in finance, training, coaching pastors and business owners, and recruitment and retention of executives and top talent.

David Richards, Director

Passionate leader & chief grill master

Thomas Steipp


Tom holds an MBA from the Krannert Graduate School of Management at Purdue University. He has served as a CEO and COO at several major corporations throughout his career. He has also served as a member of a variety of for-profit and non-profit boards.

Thomas Steipp, Director

Devoted granddad & avid fly fisherman

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